Tuesday, December 9, 2008

HoA - Paper 3 Questions (Assignment for 1st period)

With your partners, prepare an outline to answer one of the following real Paper 3 questions. On Thursday, you will share your answers with the class.

1. Analyse the aims and impact of the NAFTA agreements. (2008)
2. Explain why liberalism had become discredited in Latin Americas by the 1930s. Answer with reference to one country of the region. (2005)
3. Analyse the aims and achievements of one populist leader in Latin America in the first half of the twentieth century. (2005)
4. Assess the main obstacles faced by American countries in order to achieve full implementation of two of the following: Pacto Andino; NAFTA; Mercosur. (2005)
5. Assess the domestic (internal) programme and policies of one populist leader of Latin America in the period 1900 to 1955. (2001)
6. With reference to one state in either the Caribbean or mainland Latin America, assess the advantages and disadvantages of foreign investment in that state during the first half of the twentieth century (2001)
7. Analyse the main political and economic developments in either Canada or in one country in mainland Latin America during the period 1960 to 1990. (2001)

Please email me a copy of your outline by Thursday morning, so we may view the outline on the SmartBoard: jeffrey_mccarthy@apsva.us or mccarthyroom3011@gmail.com

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