I received a few outlines. Here they are:
One student mistakenly sent me their timeline entry instead of their outline.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sample AP Exam Question
Fiscal policy and monetary policy are two tools used by the federal government to influence the United States economy. The executive and legislative branches share the responsibility of setting fiscal policy. The Federal Reserve Board has the primary role of setting monetary policy.
(a) Define fiscal policy.
(b) Describe one significant way the executive branch influences fiscal policy.
(c) Describe one significant way the legislative branch influences fiscal policy.
(d) Define monetary policy.
(e) Explain two reasons why the Federal Reserve Board is given independence in establishing monetary policy.
You have 25 minutes to answer all parts of this question. Your response will be counted as a quiz grade. Any talking or sharing of answers will result in a zero.
(a) Define fiscal policy.
(b) Describe one significant way the executive branch influences fiscal policy.
(c) Describe one significant way the legislative branch influences fiscal policy.
(d) Define monetary policy.
(e) Explain two reasons why the Federal Reserve Board is given independence in establishing monetary policy.
You have 25 minutes to answer all parts of this question. Your response will be counted as a quiz grade. Any talking or sharing of answers will result in a zero.
Period 1 - Paper 3 Outlines
Links to Paper 3 presentations:
- Explain why liberalism had become discredited in Latin Americas by the 1930s. Answer with reference to one country of the region. (2005)
- Analyze the main political and economic developments in either Canada or in one country in mainland Latin America during the period 1960 to 1990.
- Analyse the aims and impact of the NAFTA agreements. (2008)
- Assess the domestic (internal) programme and policies of one populist leader of Latin America in the period 1900 to 1955. (2001)
- Analyze the aims and achievements of one populist leader in Latin America in the first half of the twentieth century. (2005)
- With reference to one state in either the Caribbean or mainland Latin America, assess the advantages and disadvantages of foreign investment in that state during the first half of the twentieth century (2001)
- Assess the main obstacles faced by American countries in order to achieve full implementation of NAFTA
Periods 1 and 6 - Mexican Timeline Assignment
You now have an assignment for your entry on the Mexican Timeline. On Monday, you are expected to turn in your entry on an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper. It should contain:
Your submission will be given a grade on a 10-point scale reflecting how well it met the assignment requirements. This grade will be recorded as a homework grade (remember that these grades are rare).
6th Period Assignments
Kate - I.M.F. Intervention
Lina - Huerta
Janese - 3Years War
- The title of your entry in LARGE PRINT
- A visual related to your entry that is at least 3"x3" in size.
- A summary (written neatly or typed) of your entry that includes key information and explanation of its significance to Mexico's History
Your submission will be given a grade on a 10-point scale reflecting how well it met the assignment requirements. This grade will be recorded as a homework grade (remember that these grades are rare).
6th Period Assignments
Kate - I.M.F. Intervention
Lina - Huerta
Janese - 3Years War
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
In the News...
- Governor Blagojevich (D-IL) has been arrested by the FBI. (transcript of the report available here)
- Senators Dodd and Shelby appeared on the Newshour last night to explain the progress that has been made on the auto industry bailout plan.
- The NYTimes has interesting story on the pay for auto workers working for the "Big 3" American firms versus Japanese firms.
AP Gov - Bush's FY '09 Discretionary Budget
This is a great graphical representation of President Bush's proposed budget for FY '09. It only contains discretionary spending, which means that it doesn't include mandatory spending (spending required by law). It's best viewed full-screen.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
HoA - Paper 3 Questions (Assignment for 1st period)
With your partners, prepare an outline to answer one of the following real Paper 3 questions. On Thursday, you will share your answers with the class.
1. Analyse the aims and impact of the NAFTA agreements. (2008)
2. Explain why liberalism had become discredited in Latin Americas by the 1930s. Answer with reference to one country of the region. (2005)
3. Analyse the aims and achievements of one populist leader in Latin America in the first half of the twentieth century. (2005)
4. Assess the main obstacles faced by American countries in order to achieve full implementation of two of the following: Pacto Andino; NAFTA; Mercosur. (2005)
5. Assess the domestic (internal) programme and policies of one populist leader of Latin America in the period 1900 to 1955. (2001)
6. With reference to one state in either the Caribbean or mainland Latin America, assess the advantages and disadvantages of foreign investment in that state during the first half of the twentieth century (2001)
7. Analyse the main political and economic developments in either Canada or in one country in mainland Latin America during the period 1960 to 1990. (2001)
Please email me a copy of your outline by Thursday morning, so we may view the outline on the SmartBoard: jeffrey_mccarthy@apsva.us or mccarthyroom3011@gmail.com
1. Analyse the aims and impact of the NAFTA agreements. (2008)
2. Explain why liberalism had become discredited in Latin Americas by the 1930s. Answer with reference to one country of the region. (2005)
3. Analyse the aims and achievements of one populist leader in Latin America in the first half of the twentieth century. (2005)
4. Assess the main obstacles faced by American countries in order to achieve full implementation of two of the following: Pacto Andino; NAFTA; Mercosur. (2005)
5. Assess the domestic (internal) programme and policies of one populist leader of Latin America in the period 1900 to 1955. (2001)
6. With reference to one state in either the Caribbean or mainland Latin America, assess the advantages and disadvantages of foreign investment in that state during the first half of the twentieth century (2001)
7. Analyse the main political and economic developments in either Canada or in one country in mainland Latin America during the period 1960 to 1990. (2001)
Please email me a copy of your outline by Thursday morning, so we may view the outline on the SmartBoard: jeffrey_mccarthy@apsva.us or mccarthyroom3011@gmail.com
Monday, December 8, 2008
HoA - Correct Quiz Questions for Dec. 8th.
Wow!! Sorry for the mistake. Please indicate clearly on your quiz which of the following questions you are answering (choose one):
1. “By the end of the 1920s the original objectives of the Mexican Revolution had been abandoned.” To what extent do you agree with this judgment?
2. How important were economic grievances in causing the Mexican Revolution that began in 1910, and to what extent were these grievances solved by the Constitution of 1917?
3. To what extent were the aims of Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa realized during the Mexican Revolution (1910 to 1940)?
4. How successful were both moderates and radical in achieving their aims in the Mexican Revolution by the end of the 1920s?
(you can make text bigger by selecting from the menu bar: View ----> Text Size)
1. “By the end of the 1920s the original objectives of the Mexican Revolution had been abandoned.” To what extent do you agree with this judgment?
2. How important were economic grievances in causing the Mexican Revolution that began in 1910, and to what extent were these grievances solved by the Constitution of 1917?
3. To what extent were the aims of Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa realized during the Mexican Revolution (1910 to 1940)?
4. How successful were both moderates and radical in achieving their aims in the Mexican Revolution by the end of the 1920s?
(you can make text bigger by selecting from the menu bar: View ----> Text Size)
HoA: In-Class Resources for Dec. 8
Sorry I couldn't be in class today. I'm drinking lots of O.J. and eating chicken noodle soup so I can feel better tomorrow.
I've uploaded a sample "Flash Card" for you to use as a template for your group. Please turn in your flashcard on Wednesday morning and I'll scan them so we can look at them on the SmartBoard. Your group will spend about 5 minutes on Wednesday summarizing the important characteristics of your Mexican President's term. The "Flash Cards" should be 8.5"x11" in size. If you wish, you may ask Mr. Taylor to share some thick cardstock to make your flashcard. The cardstock is located on one of the shelves in the high cabinet closest to the classroom's window. The "Flash Card" will count as a homework grade (a rare event in our class) and your presentation on Wednesday will be counted as a participation grade.
The reading assignment for 6th period HoA is to read "Mexico Must Become a Nation of Rules and Laws" and "The Formation of the Single Party State". I've just loaded both readings to my box.net account and they are available in the blue box to the right on this webpage.
Good luck on your quiz!
I've uploaded a sample "Flash Card" for you to use as a template for your group. Please turn in your flashcard on Wednesday morning and I'll scan them so we can look at them on the SmartBoard. Your group will spend about 5 minutes on Wednesday summarizing the important characteristics of your Mexican President's term. The "Flash Cards" should be 8.5"x11" in size. If you wish, you may ask Mr. Taylor to share some thick cardstock to make your flashcard. The cardstock is located on one of the shelves in the high cabinet closest to the classroom's window. The "Flash Card" will count as a homework grade (a rare event in our class) and your presentation on Wednesday will be counted as a participation grade.
The reading assignment for 6th period HoA is to read "Mexico Must Become a Nation of Rules and Laws" and "The Formation of the Single Party State". I've just loaded both readings to my box.net account and they are available in the blue box to the right on this webpage.
Good luck on your quiz!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
AP Gov: In-Class Resources for Dec. 8
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I'm not here today, but I've been pretty sick all weekend. I plan on being back at school tomorrow.
The President-Elect's weekly address:
The NewsHour's segment on the economy can be found by clicking here.
Sorry I'm not here today, but I've been pretty sick all weekend. I plan on being back at school tomorrow.
The President-Elect's weekly address:
The NewsHour's segment on the economy can be found by clicking here.
Friday, December 5, 2008
HoA Reading Assignments
The reading assignment for 1st period HoA is to read "Mexico Must Become a Nation of Rules and Laws" and "The Formation of the Single Party State". I've just loaded both readings to my box.net account and they are available in the blue box to the right on this webpage.
Have a good weekend!
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Great Article on Slate
Slate has a great article this morning on the coin crisis in Argentina. It seems that the Argentine public doesn't believe that there are enough coins in circulation and so have begun hoarding the coins that they can find.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
In the News...
Watch CBS Videos Online
- Barack Obama has named the members of his national security team.
- Experts wonder whether Obama's plan to increase troop strength in Afghanistan will work.
Monday, December 1, 2008
APGov Reading Assignments: Dec. 1 - Dec. 5
Period 3
MONDAY - Janda pp. 577-587
TUESDAY - Janda pp. 587-594
WEDNESDAY - Janda pp. 594-597
THURSDAY - Janda pp. 597-601
FRIDAY - Janda pp. 601-607
Periods 5 & 7
MONDAY - Janda pp. 577-587
WEDNESDAY - Janda pp. 587-597
FRIDAY - Janda pp. 597-607
Period 4
TUESDAY - Janda pp. 577-587
THURSDAY - Janda pp. 587-597
MONDAY - Janda pp. 577-587
TUESDAY - Janda pp. 587-594
WEDNESDAY - Janda pp. 594-597
THURSDAY - Janda pp. 597-601
FRIDAY - Janda pp. 601-607
Periods 5 & 7
MONDAY - Janda pp. 577-587
WEDNESDAY - Janda pp. 587-597
FRIDAY - Janda pp. 597-607
Period 4
TUESDAY - Janda pp. 577-587
THURSDAY - Janda pp. 587-597
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Obama's Economic Team
Obama has started earlier than other candidates in appointing people to his cabinet. Of course, the economic adviser positions have taken priority.
Watch CBS Videos Online
Watch CBS Videos Online
Friday, November 21, 2008
In the News...
- There's been a change in the chairmanship of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. This will likely affect the auto industry greatly and be celebrated by the environmental lobby.
- The rumors continue to fly about the future of Hillary Clinton. The NYTimes writes about the possibility of a Senate leadership role if she doesn't join the Obama administration.
- Minnesota Public Radio has posted photos of several disputed ballots in the Minnesota Senate recount. Do you think you can figure out how to count these votes?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
60 Minutes Video of Obama Campaign Consultants
An interesting interview with the Obama campaign staffers that ran his successful campaign for the presidency.
Watch CBS Videos Online
Watch CBS Videos Online
In the News...
- Minnesota is preparing for a 3 million ballot hand recount for the U.S. Senate election between Norm Coleman and Al Franken.
- Interested in the influence of P.A.C.'s? Then you'll be interested to know that Mitt Romney is using his P.A.C. to donate money to Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss for his runoff election next month. It's never too early to start the invisible primary.
- And those rumors about Secretary of State Clinton? Turns out she may not be interested in the job.
Monday, November 17, 2008
HoA - Quiz on Nov. 19th and 20th
Just a reminder that there will be a quiz in HoA classes in class on Nov. 19th and 20th. The quiz will cover all material covered so far in class on Mexico. Possible topics include: Liberal/Conservative rivalry, American/Mexican relations in the 1800s (Texas, Mexican War, etc.), Porfirio Diaz, Mexican Revolution up to Villa/Zapata and Carrancista divide.
In the News...
- Barack Obama has made a few more appointments to the White House staff, but still no cabinet appointments. The NYTimes has a nice graphic of Obama's appointments.
- The final results from Missouri still aren't in yet. What's taking them so long?
- The Senate election in Alaska continues. There are only 15,000 more ballots to count and Begich, the Democrat, has the lead.
Barack Obama Interview on 60 Minutes
Barack Obama sat down for his first serious interview since the election. Here is the section in which he discusses his plans for the presidency.
Watch CBS Videos Online
Watch CBS Videos Online
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
In the News...
- The New York Times writes about the very real possibility of Nebraska splitting its electoral votes due to the popularity of Obama in the Omaha region of the state.
- Remember the media report that Gov. Palin thought that Africa was a country and not a continent? It turns out that the story was a hoax; a really elaborate hoax.
- Want a job in the Obama administration? Just fill out this 63 question application.
- Timothy Noah explores polling results that show Obama didn't win the white vote, and why it wasn't just in the South.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
HoA Assignment - "Scenes from a Lumber Camp"
In case the box on the right doesn't work, here's a link to the reading assignment "Scenes from a Lumber Camp". Be prepared to discuss the article in class on November 13th and 14th.
Monday, November 10, 2008
First Ever Town Hall Debate - 1992
Watch President Bush check his watch at the very beginning of the video.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Reading Assignments - Oct. 28 & 29
The Editors of El Tiempo. "A Conservative Profession of Faith." In The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Gilbert M. Joseph and Timothy J. Henderson, 220-225. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2002.
Otero, Mariano. "Considerations Relating to the Political and Social Situation of the Mexican Republic in the Year 1847." In The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Gilbert M. Joseph and Timothy J. Henderson, 226-238. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2002.
[Turabian format, lacking proper indents]
Otero, Mariano. "Considerations Relating to the Political and Social Situation of the Mexican Republic in the Year 1847." In The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Gilbert M. Joseph and Timothy J. Henderson, 226-238. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2002.
[Turabian format, lacking proper indents]
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