Wednesday, January 18, 2012

All Students: Lesson Plans for Next 2 Days

Baby McCarthy has decided to arrive early (but hasn't arrived yet as I write this)! Below are the important parts of the lesson plans I'm leaving for the substitute teacher. Please give them all the help you can, especially with technical issues related to the iPad and the Smartboard. I'll be back to school sometime next week!

Substitute Lesson Plans
Thursday January 18th and Friday January 19th

Thank you for substituting in my class during this semi-unexpected absence.

Thursday, January 18th
Period 1 - AP Government
1. Pledge of allegiance and moment of silence over the PA system.

2. Distribute worksheet from 2nd drawer of left file cabinet (post-it note on outside says "paternity leave") labeled "Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington Anymore?"

3. Inform students that they will complete the worksheet as they watch the movie on the smartboard.

4. Connecting iPad to Smartboard.
---turn on smartboard and set to "computer"
---video cable is on the desk, plug in to the bottom of the iPad.
---audio cable is on the desk, plug in to the top of the iPad.
---press home button below screen to turn on iPad
---select "videos" app and then select "movies" and then select the Mr. Smith movie
---once you press the play button, the movie will start to play on the smartboard. The movie can be paused and volume changed by touching the screen to view those controls.

5. Students are responsible for hanging on to their worksheet until they've completed it. If you finish the movie, collect student worksheets. Otherwise, they're responsible for keeping their worksheets.

Period 3 - AP Government
1. Turn Smartboard to "video" for the morning announcements.

2. Turn Smartboard back to "computer" setting.

3. Follow instructions #2-5 from Period 1

Generals Period
1. Take attendance.

2. Substitute teachers are not permitted to write passes - many of the students already know this, so students without a pass will have to remain in Room 3011 during Generals Period.

Period 7 - History of the Americas
1. Inform students that there is a new assignment posted to the class website: students must write an essay answering the following question "Evaluate the economic, social and political successes an failures of Reconstruction." This essay will be due Thursday, January 26th.

2. In order to collect information that can be used in their essay, students will watch the video The American Experience: Reconstruction.

3. Both episodes of this video can be found in the "Videos" app on the iPad under the "television" tab.

4. Students should watch video and take notes until the end of the period.

Friday, January 20th

Period 3 - AP Government
1. Turn Smartboard to "video" for the morning announcements.

2. Turn Smartboard back to "computer" setting.

3. Students will continue the film that they began in class yesterday. (please see January 19th lesson plans for details and instructions.

Period 4 - History of the Americas
1. Inform students that there is a new assignment posted to the class website: students must write an essay answering the following question "Evaluate the economic, social and political successes an failures of Reconstruction." This essay will be due Friday, January 27th.

2. In order to collect information that can be used in their essay, students will watch the video The American Experience: Reconstruction.

3. Both episodes of this video can be found in the "Videos" app on the iPad under the "television" tab.

4. Students should watch video and take notes until the end of the period.

Period 6 - AP Government
1. Distribute worksheet from 2nd drawer of left file cabinet (post-it note on outside says "paternity leave") labeled "Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington Anymore?"

2. Inform students that they will complete the worksheet as they watch the movie on the smartboard.

3. Connecting iPad to Smartboard.
---turn on smartboard and set to "computer"
---video cable is on the desk, plug in to the bottom of the iPad.
---audio cable is on the desk, plug in to the top of the iPad.
---press home button below screen to turn on iPad
---select "videos" app and then select "movies" and then select the Mr. Smith movie
---once you press the play button, the movie will start to play on the smartboard. The movie can be paused and volume changed by touching the screen to view those controls.

4. Students are responsible for hanging on to their worksheet until they've completed it. If you finish the movie, collect student worksheets. Otherwise, they're responsible for keeping their worksheets.

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