Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HoA - Domestic Policies of U.S. Presidents

Your group will create and present a slideshow presentation in class summarizing the domestic policies of one United States president.  The slideshow should evaluate the relative success or failure of these domestic policies and offer evidence in support of your evaluation.  When creating your presentation, keep in mind the HoA description of Section 10:

"This section focuses on domestic concerns and political developments after 1945. The majority of states in the Americas experienced social, economic and political changes and challenges. ... Areas of study include: conditions for the rise to power of new leaders; economic and social policies; treatment of minorities."

The five presidents you will examine are:

Make sure to publish and share your slideshow with me (mccarthyroom3011[at]gmail[dot]com) and I will publish it on Room3011.  You will present the slidshow in class on Monday, May 18th (Period 4) and Tuesday, May 19th (Period 1).  Your presentation and slideshow will be graded and entered into the gradebook as a quiz grade.

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