Friday, May 15, 2009

Mock Congress - Day 1

Congratulations to the period 3 Republicans - you drive a hard bargain!

I'm disappointed in the lack of compassion for pandas exhibited by several of the Mock Congresses :(

Remember that your first bill is due next class! You'll need to turn in your bill and cover sheet to the hopper. You'll also need to submit your bill to GoogleDocs. When you submit the bill to GoogleDocs, make sure that you share it with me (mccarthyroom3011[at]gmail[dot]com and with the clerk of your Congress.


Unknown said...

Too bad they have no actual control over anything

Unknown said...

I move to impeach Charlie from the office of Speaker for matters of sore losering.

Greg: Seconded!

Mr. McCarthy said...

Motions can only be made on the floor of the House ;)