Monday, February 9, 2009

President Obama Gives his First Press Conference


Unknown said...

Very in depth responces and high focus on the American public. When asked about bipartisanship Obama seemed to explain cleary what Senate Democrats and Republicans need to agree on. He mentioned certain aspects of the bailout which would help the American people and it was ridiculous for the Senate to disagree upon these aspects.

Also Obama's answer to the question about what makes him realize he's President was writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers. This response showed Obama's emotions and made him seem more welcoming to Americans.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Obama has it right when he says the recession we're in is nothing to laugh at. He is also correct when he says Congress is huge factor to why our economy is still struggling. the indecisiveness and sloth decision making especially by the senate needs to be amended.
The best thing I heard though was probably the eternal optimist quote. His idea that civility and the ability to act rationally will help solve our problems is inspirational.